sophiebiblio: Bubbe & Sarah
sophiebiblio: On the go
sophiebiblio: My First Shabbat with Grandma
sophiebiblio: Hey, what's going on over there?
sophiebiblio: Patty-cake with Bubbe
sophiebiblio: A girl & her truck
sophiebiblio: putting away the recyclable trash
sophiebiblio: Awesome fruit basket
sophiebiblio: More recyclable trash organizing
sophiebiblio: Blurry, but so evocative...
sophiebiblio: The Grill Master 3000
sophiebiblio: Grill set-up
sophiebiblio: The pressie from school
sophiebiblio: I heart produce-themed linens
sophiebiblio: Yeah, okay, take my picture already
sophiebiblio: chocolate gingerbread & hacked ice cream