soozums: the grounds
soozums: up the beach
soozums: Mac deck
soozums: palmed view
soozums: droopy chains
soozums: grass, sand, coral, volcanic rock
soozums: smooth motion
soozums: i need this sign
soozums: pink plumeria
soozums: white plumeria
soozums: shadows and petals
soozums: sums up the day so far
soozums: Camera phone shot through polarized sunglasses
soozums: jackass neighbor shooting a few dozen golf balls into ocean
soozums: O ring
soozums: sun flare
soozums: sunset capture
soozums: as Marco spins right out of hammock, onto ground
soozums: the sun disappears
soozums: Mac demonstrating how it's done
soozums: sea turtle!
soozums: the hammock shot of the day
soozums: tail slap waaaay out there
soozums: obligatory sunset view
soozums: Breezy view of Lana'i
soozums: OldLahainaLuau
soozums: OldLahainaLuau2
soozums: OldLahainaLuau3
soozums: (storage room)
soozums: plumeria and Mai Tais