soozums: my dragonfly
soozums: my gecko
soozums: grouted gecko
soozums: possible frog mosaic
soozums: glued frog
soozums: grouted frog
soozums: sun mosaic ungrouted
soozums: sunny day mosaic grouted
soozums: yellow-eyed critter set
soozums: completed dragonfly mosaic
soozums: buckeye leaves added
soozums: finished Ohio State block O mosaic
soozums: block O plus buckeye
soozums: scarlet and grey glued
soozums: the beginnings of a block O
soozums: glue dried
soozums: leaf and buckeye
soozums: grey background
soozums: plus block O
soozums: the beginnings of a buckeye
soozums: with dried glue
soozums: modeled after the Bodie Island Lighthouse
soozums: grouted and complete
soozums: building a lighthouse
soozums: final resting places
soozums: with the glue set
soozums: beam
soozums: shore + rocks + lighthouse
soozums: rocky shore and lighthouse lens
soozums: final night lighthouse mosaic