~SoozieQ: Having lots of fun...INDEED!
~SoozieQ: Mr. C
~SoozieQ: Engine-Ears Toys
~SoozieQ: Tower of Terror
~SoozieQ: On the teacups
~SoozieQ: Our hotel
~SoozieQ: View from our room
~SoozieQ: Hollywood Tower Hotel
~SoozieQ: Hollywood Tower
~SoozieQ: Jazz Kitchen
~SoozieQ: DSC_0266
~SoozieQ: From Tarzan's House
~SoozieQ: Fly n'buy
~SoozieQ: We went on this
~SoozieQ: Grizzly
~SoozieQ: Hat Man
~SoozieQ: We found WINE!
~SoozieQ: Complete dweeb
~SoozieQ: Me and the Hubs
~SoozieQ: Spaz (after the ride)