sonykus: Sheep sheep sheep / Oi oi oi...
sonykus: Pit Stop 1
sonykus: The Lara Inn / Pensinuea Lara
sonykus: Swing / Hinta
sonykus: The Valley / Valea...
sonykus: The Inn / Cabana
sonykus: The walkway to the Inn / Poteca spre cabana
sonykus: Mill's Wheel Turnin' / Roata morii se-nvarteste
sonykus: Artificial Lake / Lac artificial
sonykus: The Inn / Pensiunea
sonykus: The Inn - second / Pensiunea Bis
sonykus: In The Courtyard / In curte
sonykus: The pups / Cateii
sonykus: The Fountain / La Fantana
sonykus: Masa de baut beri, prin care curgea apa
sonykus: The Inn - third / Pensiunea tris
sonykus: New fungi / Iasca noua
sonykus: And again, you've guessed / Si din nou, ati ghicit
sonykus: Artesian wells all over / Fantani arteziene peste tot
sonykus: Sunset / Apus de soare
sonykus: The Forest / Padurea
sonykus: Sunbeam
sonykus: Early spring
sonykus: Frosty The Snowman
sonykus: Marisel
sonykus: First Crocuses / Primele branduse
sonykus: And even more crocuses / Din ce in ce mai multe branduse
sonykus: Crocuses, everywhere! / Peste tot, numai branduse
sonykus: Prima-vera
sonykus: And everywhere... / Si peste tot...