benedictus41: Well hello there...
benedictus41: I think Im 18 here
benedictus41: Thats right, Im bad.
benedictus41: My First Ohio Tattoo
benedictus41: Chief Joseph
benedictus41: Sitting Bull
benedictus41: I feel naked
benedictus41: Glorious Quinn
benedictus41: Quinn scaling the boxes in Texas
benedictus41: Me and Morg
benedictus41: In florida, our last real vacation
benedictus41: Quinn and I
benedictus41: Quinn is a thrasher of the skateboard variety
benedictus41: Look at that form!
benedictus41: The most pure laugh ever captured on film
benedictus41: Oh yeah, got my license.
benedictus41: Wise beyond his years
benedictus41: I rock hard
benedictus41: First day of senior year, didnt go that much that year to say the least
benedictus41: Morgan and griffen
benedictus41: I carve a mean pumpkin.
benedictus41: I put up a tree faster than anyone this side of the mississippi
benedictus41: My pup
benedictus41: My fist tattoo on my 18th.
benedictus41: The Fam at Christmas 2 years ago.
benedictus41: Look at my ma getting inked