cristina.loche: Wood barriers
cristina.loche: Gelide decorazioni
cristina.loche: Fabbrica abbandonata
cristina.loche: Broken wheel
cristina.loche: Taken by Giorgio
cristina.loche: Inspired by Gilda (but glass)
cristina.loche: Al dieci.
cristina.loche: I could stay here forever
cristina.loche: New Year's resolutions
cristina.loche: thank god this year has passed away
cristina.loche: a friend & a tree
cristina.loche: italian things: 1, the antiques marketplace
cristina.loche: they'll be friends forever
cristina.loche: everlasting love
cristina.loche: The Roman Church
cristina.loche: anarcho-lush
cristina.loche: all roads lead to heaven
cristina.loche: il lavoro è rosso
cristina.loche: too flawed to be wrong