sonnyherrerajr: DSC_0739[1]
sonnyherrerajr: DSC_0742[1]
sonnyherrerajr: DSC_0753[1]
sonnyherrerajr: DSC_0756[1]
sonnyherrerajr: DSC_0767[2]
sonnyherrerajr: kulay-sonny
sonnyherrerajr: kulay-sonny
sonnyherrerajr: DSC_0758[1]
sonnyherrerajr: DSC_0409[1]
sonnyherrerajr: DSC_0741[1]
sonnyherrerajr: kulay-sonnyherrerajr
sonnyherrerajr: My 1st looong exposure; straight SOOC
sonnyherrerajr: My 2nd looong exposure: SOOC
sonnyherrerajr: u see how tall sonny is?
sonnyherrerajr: at my back is the pride of albay
sonnyherrerajr: elaine 1