SonniesEdge: DSC_0290
SonniesEdge: DSC_0343
SonniesEdge: DSC_0355
SonniesEdge: DSC_0365
SonniesEdge: A protester from the 1950's joins us
SonniesEdge: DSC_0375
SonniesEdge: DSC_0377
SonniesEdge: Pink, pink, pink
SonniesEdge: Dawn of the Debt
SonniesEdge: Condemed
SonniesEdge: Angry sign!
SonniesEdge: If Carlsberg did tuition fees...
SonniesEdge: Jesus arrives to sort everything out
SonniesEdge: If it's Browne, flush it down!
SonniesEdge: If it's Browne, flush it down!
SonniesEdge: Education? Education? Education?
SonniesEdge: NeoCliche: Down with this sort of thing!
SonniesEdge: F**ck fees - Free education now
SonniesEdge: Blue sky
SonniesEdge: Not a Clegg to stand on (douchebag)
SonniesEdge: Marching past St Stephens
SonniesEdge: We're not Sam Cameron - you can't fuck us!
SonniesEdge: The sit in, in Parliament Square
SonniesEdge: My old uni! Hi Keele!
SonniesEdge: Arriving at Millbank
SonniesEdge: Watching the bonfire
SonniesEdge: Flames
SonniesEdge: Bonfire
SonniesEdge: DSC_0620
SonniesEdge: Crazy bat angle, Batman!