Shield: Énigme (Enigma)
Shield: Défendre la patrie (Defending the homeland)
Shield: Écosser (Shelling)
Shield: red and blue 2
Shield: Ombres à travers l'horizon (Shadows across the horizon)
Shield: Tombée de la nuit (Nightfall)
Shield: Prise de la plage (Taking the beach)
Shield: Prise de la plage II (Taking the beach 2)
Shield: Nostalgie (Nostalgia)
Shield: Curatif - piquer ensemble (Stitching together)
Shield: yellow seven
Shield: Tenir la terre (Holding ground)
Shield: La difficulté de curatif (The difficulty of healing)
Shield: yellow abstract 4
Shield: Carcasse de boeuf (Carcass of Beef)
Shield: Sang sur l'eau (Blood on the water)
Shield: Rêve (Dream)
Shield: Océan fini de coucher du soleil (Sunset over ocean)
Shield: Aube (Dawn)
Shield: untitled
Shield: Le combat atteint les bois (Fighting reaches the woods)
Shield: Tragédie (Tragedy)
Shield: Patauger dans les roseaux (Wading in the reeds)
Shield: L'éternel absent (The absent eternal)
Shield: Absence
Shield: coverup6
Shield: Marina tunisienne (Tunisian marina)
Shield: Le passé envahit (The past invades)
Shield: Le souk (The souk)
Shield: Livres brûlants (Burning books)