stella z: stella and gina - mad decent block party
stella z: madame matisse cafe
stella z: off fairfax ave
stella z: detail
stella z: real grownups.
stella z: dorks in a car. LA
stella z: ghosting on robertson
stella z: me and the the most painfully ugly $450 designer t-shirt i've ever seen
stella z: stella, heather, gina... lurking outside the ivy
stella z: gina, beverly hills
stella z: pink's!
stella z: heather... and a disco bear
stella z: heather and gina
stella z: griffith park observatory
stella z: ridiculous rings. including cougars.
stella z: herro. i make hand signs.
stella z: on the roof + waterguns
stella z: mexicali taco and co. taco stand in a parking lot in downtown LA
stella z: disco teddy. at kitson of course.
stella z: expert level parallel parking. had to take a picture
stella z: flat pretzels are awesome. yanno?
stella z: laughing at ugly stuff on rodeo drive.
stella z: pink's
stella z: mad decent block party
stella z: stella and gina... perfect afternoon
stella z: me and heather in silverlake. also proof i have no idea what to do with my arms in photos.
stella z: early @ mad decent block party
stella z: mad decent block party, before the crowd
stella z: la kids
stella z: watching dodgeball