stella z: iphone_pic
stella z: another day / just breathe
stella z: iphone_pic
stella z: bizzoat hizzouse!
stella z: hanging out on the docks
stella z: oaklandish radio regatta
stella z: old window paint.
stella z: le frond
stella z: rad (this is tile, btw)
stella z: i know how you feel, man
stella z: Adeline manor 2
stella z: cleaned up
stella z: merritt
stella z: iphone_pic
stella z: great success (water weenies)
stella z: i liked the trees.
stella z: courthouse
stella z: the horror. monday.
stella z: love my hood!
stella z: iphone_pic
stella z: more stupid than dramatic
stella z: heck yeah. nostrils.
stella z: iphone_pic
stella z: bent wednesday
stella z: MVHS and LAHS combined hornlines
stella z: protest against UC budget crisis, 9.24.09
stella z: UC budget protest, continued
stella z: iphone_pic
stella z: november - iphone pic
stella z: iphone_pic