stella z: 3L3tronic
stella z: 3L3tronic
stella z: 3L3 communication
stella z: 3L3tronic
stella z: back and forth and i still love it
stella z: way too close
stella z: somebody wanna buy me this little guy?
stella z: spring days in oaktown
stella z: homey
stella z: spring! : )
stella z: haight/history
stella z: not sure which half i like best
stella z: okay, okay...yes, i did
stella z: sterling vineyards
stella z: up the tram in the gondola
stella z: sterling vineyards
stella z: axons
stella z: another rough day
stella z: yuppie tourist
stella z: great oaken casks. oaken casks.
stella z: tanks
stella z: lovely downtown guerneville
stella z: guerneville don't f-around
stella z: near goat rock
stella z: pacific waving
stella z: when bad photoshop attacks
stella z: gale force wind
stella z: windy cali