stella z: way off course: on the carson pass
stella z: globules
stella z: at this point we were definitely...somewhere
stella z: new melones lake, near angels camp
stella z: bridge over new melones
stella z: cute yelly burrito!
stella z: what a letdown.
stella z: snowy carson pass
stella z: our stoic driver persevered
stella z: and then we ended up at kirkwood...
stella z: drip drip
stella z: spotted
stella z: icy dew
stella z: and then the snow thinned
stella z: i left my heart in hope valley...
stella z: hope valley
stella z: on the road, five out of eight hours in
stella z: monitor pass
stella z: frilly bridgeport bafroom
stella z: a pinkypurple bed
stella z: mono county courthouse
stella z: the bodie victorian hotel
stella z: bridgeport inn
stella z: gate
stella z: camera mouth
stella z: the rooms upstairs were interesting...
stella z: tired
stella z: 7:45 am saturday morning
stella z: unexpected snow
stella z: the road to mono lake