stella z: not hula
stella z: hoop
stella z: in the front yard
stella z: so happy to be at pipe
stella z: hau'ula beach house: ceiling ...
stella z: cha cha: portrait of a dog
stella z: spray
stella z: pipeline is hungry
stella z: barrelled
stella z: another day at pipeline
stella z: the volcom house
stella z: the pipe/volcom house
stella z: duck
stella z: sponger
stella z: leland and cha cha
stella z: hau'ula to the left
stella z: hau'ula to the right
stella z: jayson balances
stella z: pure gratitude
stella z: "is this real?" - regarding the swing
stella z: minutes before a downpour
stella z: fallen
stella z: hau'ula house
stella z: where palm trees come from
stella z: the monk seal becomes a tourist attraction
stella z: an endangered species shows up, and this dummy has her camera on manual and takes some blurry pictures.
stella z: sleepy hawaiian monk seals are pretty cute
stella z: leland and norvin through the window
stella z: corona commercial v 2.0
stella z: tree