stella z: kenny
stella z: litez
stella z: ceiling
stella z: oh dem burners
stella z: burners
stella z: sweet headless metal man
stella z: pipes n poles
stella z: chain hair
stella z: not in kansas anymore
stella z: cliffy c leaning on a dirty pipe
stella z: jeff, sarah, kenny
stella z: MASSIF
stella z: the walls are covered in metallurgy.
stella z: extreme screen closeup
stella z: more standing ovation
stella z: green lights + metal
stella z: kenny pretends to dance
stella z: stella, sarah, fingers and teeth
stella z: the many expressions of cliff
stella z: quite possibly the best picture of kenny ever
stella z: dirty metal wall
stella z: more faces of cliff
stella z: prey to leggings.
stella z: flickr is for self-absorbed, horrible people.
stella z: flash photography destroys shadow puppets
stella z: austin
stella z: sweet action montage
stella z: cliff and jayson
stella z: dustfish photoboof action