Sonia Figone - {Food} Photography: Gonpachi's Tuna Tartare
Sonia Figone - {Food} Photography: Risotto with tomato-basil sauce - detail
Sonia Figone - {Food} Photography: Risotto with tomato-basil sauce
Sonia Figone - {Food} Photography: Can't salad be eaten too?
Sonia Figone - {Food} Photography: Salad with tuna, green olive and mozzarella
Sonia Figone - {Food} Photography: From Spain: Gazpacho with tomatoes and strawberry and Quinoa polpette
Sonia Figone - {Food} Photography: A bunch of spring onions
Sonia Figone - {Food} Photography: Torta zucchine, olive taggiasche e timo
Sonia Figone - {Food} Photography: Melanzane ripiene con farro e pomodorini