Song Catcher: CEDLA Tourism Conference, Amsterdam. June 2007
Song Catcher: The audience at the conference
Song Catcher: They all seem to be drinking vodka
Song Catcher: Annelou introduces the last session of presentations
Song Catcher: Morning seminar
Song Catcher: Party at CEDLA
Song Catcher: Well-earned gifts
Song Catcher: Fresh herring, pickles and chopped onion
Song Catcher: Tulips in the Netherlands
Song Catcher: Quick lunch, Amsterdam
Song Catcher: I want to ride my bicycle
Song Catcher: I want to ride my bike
Song Catcher: Gaby's penthouse at the Agora hotel, in Amsterdam
Song Catcher: Cows on the roof
Song Catcher: The Lady and the Lion
Song Catcher: The Lady and the Lion
Song Catcher: The Lady and the Lion
Song Catcher: Sunset in Amsterdam