Song Catcher: El pueblo
Song Catcher: Village of Europe
Song Catcher: Gemma y Laura
Song Catcher: Rock garden
Song Catcher: The beach
Song Catcher: Molino de viento
Song Catcher: aan Zee
Song Catcher: La fabrica
Song Catcher: El lago artificial
Song Catcher: mar, autos y molinos
Song Catcher: luz a la distancia
Song Catcher: Against the wind
Song Catcher: Lago y fábrica
Song Catcher: Complejo industrial
Song Catcher: Paisaje real y verdadero
Song Catcher: Waiting for the Summer
Song Catcher: Una oveja, a lo lejos
Song Catcher: Esperando que cambie el viento
Song Catcher: Derrame del metal
Song Catcher: Grados de esperanza / Ode to motherhood