Songbill: Ego HEART Latinam
Songbill: Bill n Brigid 1996
Songbill: Looking happier.
Songbill: Pre-Dance
Songbill: D Mike and me - 1994
Songbill: Senior Photo High School
Songbill: Senior Photo 2
Songbill: SLUH Prom 1996
Songbill: SLUH Graduation 1996
Songbill: Theatre of the Gods LIVE!!!
Songbill: D. Mike & John got dinner tickets
Songbill: Breakfast at Bill's
Songbill: Theatre of the Gods Band
Songbill: Parkmoor
Songbill: Jules and Me
Songbill: The angsty 90's
Songbill: Prom
Songbill: D Mike and Bill 1995
Songbill: D Mike works the crowd
Songbill: Jello Man!
Songbill: Bill and D Mike perform, summer '96
Songbill: Mark Pitlyk on guitar