Songbill: Surprise!
Songbill: John loves being surprised.
Songbill: You're not going to dinner after all.
Songbill: John and Jessica
Songbill: Chris and Cooper
Songbill: Barb n' John
Songbill: Chris and Cooper
Songbill: John w/ Cooper
Songbill: Mini Cooper
Songbill: More Coop
Songbill: Christine and Chris
Songbill: Chris and Tracy
Songbill: Christine and John
Songbill: Mom and Cooper
Songbill: Swalina family photo 1
Songbill: Swalina family photo 2
Songbill: Cake time
Songbill: Thirty years OLD
Songbill: Mmmmph...cake
Songbill: Tracy
Songbill: Tim n John 1
Songbill: Tim n John 2