Jean Knowles:
My grandfather, Rundall M. Lewis, in a small field of oats. Cross River Illustration Station near Harrington Harbour, PQ. August 22, 1934
Jean Knowles:
One tentful of Montagnais Innu at Isle au Bois, near Betchewan, P.Q., June 13, 1921. Photo by Harrison F. Lewis
Jean Knowles:
Nesting gannets. Bonaventure Island, P.Q. June 2, 1922. Photo by Harrison F. Lewis
Jean Knowles:
Eggs of common murre in place. Egg Rock, near Cape Whittle, Quebec, July 18, 1923. Photo by Harrison F. Lewis
Jean Knowles:
Central part of Harrington Harbour showing Grenfell Mission building, Presbyterian and Anglican churches. July 1921. Harrison F. Lewis photo.
Jean Knowles:
Drying salt codfish, St. Augustin, Saguenay Co, PQ, August 11, 1934
Jean Knowles:
Jean Knowles:
A Puffin yawn (near its close), Perroquet Island, Bradore Bay, Saguenay Co., PQ, August 19, 1935, Harrison F. Lewis photo.
Jean Knowles:
Rubus chamaemorus, the "bake-apple". Most extensively used wild fruit on the north shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. 1932 Harrison F. Lewis