☮freedom☮: hold on
☮freedom☮: the scent of a memory...
☮freedom☮: it's a scary world out there...
☮freedom☮: i can hear you calling...
☮freedom☮: did i hear you say that you believe in angels?
☮freedom☮: faery lanterns light up my path home...
☮freedom☮: mother nature whispers...
☮freedom☮: to learn from past mistakes, remember to look back at things from a different angle.
☮freedom☮: do not let your tears choke you over and over...spit them all out in one go.
☮freedom☮: never take your eye off your dreams or they'll slowly fade away...
☮freedom☮: you don't drown by falling into water, you drown by staying there.
☮freedom☮: do not spend your life living for the accumulation of material objects that will only inevitably turn to dust.
☮freedom☮: "some eyes threaten like a loaded and levelled pistol.."
☮freedom☮: the touch of her icy breath...
☮freedom☮: off balance and bent backwards i offer myself open.
☮freedom☮: don't drink.
☮freedom☮: if we see you smoking we will assume you are on fire and take appropriate action
☮freedom☮: inside i'm screaming.
☮freedom☮: one man and his dog went to mow a meadow...
☮freedom☮: r 'n' r.
☮freedom☮: i see you...
☮freedom☮: everytime you allow your fears to catch up with you, you allow your aspirations to slip further away.
☮freedom☮: gambling with love is a tricky business.
☮freedom☮: i'm creating. a million ideas are bouncing inside my mind, if you look closely you can see them.
☮freedom☮: sometimes the only place to be is the kitchen floor.
☮freedom☮: have faith, live true, and peace and freedom will win through...
☮freedom☮: fridays message - dust yourself off and try again.
☮freedom☮: when all else falls away...
☮freedom☮: rise from the dead...