☮freedom☮: Day 111 12.11.08 my delicate heart...
☮freedom☮: Day 130 1.12.08 softly spoken...
☮freedom☮: day 42. dream a little dream of me
☮freedom☮: day 43. beneath my skin
☮freedom☮: day 44. "i must go seeking dewdrops here, and hang a pearl in every cowslips ear..."
☮freedom☮: day 45. "the single clenched fist lifted and ready, or the open hand, held out and waiting... choose. for we meet by one or the other"
☮freedom☮: day 46. and it was then, at that exact moment, that the moon princess realised she was completely alone...
☮freedom☮: day fourtyseven. when you smile at me...