埋葬於樹林中的太陽: the day is over. to go or not to go?
埋葬於樹林中的太陽: it's confusedness?
埋葬於樹林中的太陽: i just wish to be onward
埋葬於樹林中的太陽: it was merely an instant
埋葬於樹林中的太陽: leaving or fading away
埋葬於樹林中的太陽: but always we must stop at the immovable time n' place
埋葬於樹林中的太陽: strange people n' scenes come into my sight day after day
埋葬於樹林中的太陽: i know, there are always many rings on myself's top
埋葬於樹林中的太陽: but i'm still tired of catching everything
埋葬於樹林中的太陽: i must go back alone, i know.
埋葬於樹林中的太陽: maybe all i need is just a lighthouse direct me........
埋葬於樹林中的太陽: even though light seems motionless
埋葬於樹林中的太陽: imagine the scene through the old woman's eyes
埋葬於樹林中的太陽: maybe sometimes time could be at rest
埋葬於樹林中的太陽: but after all someone must leave
埋葬於樹林中的太陽: who can prove life is a beautiful resumption or just cruel choosing?
埋葬於樹林中的太陽: a Pigeon: It doesn't like tortoises
埋葬於樹林中的太陽: Pigeons on the Platform
埋葬於樹林中的太陽: It's Time to Sweet Home
埋葬於樹林中的太陽: the Silent Street in the Shitennoji Temple
埋葬於樹林中的太陽: 阪堺電軌 Hankai Tramway
埋葬於樹林中的太陽: 新今宮站前街道
埋葬於樹林中的太陽: 新今宮站前人行道
埋葬於樹林中的太陽: 阪堺電軌南霞町站
埋葬於樹林中的太陽: Janpanese businessmen