sondy: First glimpse of Sakurajima erupting
sondy: Sakurajima ferry
sondy: Leaving Kagoshima
sondy: Ferry wake
sondy: Wind turbines over windy straight
sondy: Inside the ferry
sondy: Matching Honda hybrids with matching number plates
sondy: Explosion; bird
sondy: Basalt and erruption
sondy: Grey ash
sondy: Into the ash cloud
sondy: Ash kicked up by k-car in front of us
sondy: Small eruption
sondy: Burried shrine gate history
sondy: Once three meters tall, it's burried under two meters of ash
sondy: Torii gate, burried
sondy: Lava road
sondy: Big explosion
sondy: Dark ash and light cloud
sondy: Up into the sky
sondy: Bigger
sondy: It was this big!
sondy: Ando-san provides perspective
sondy: Smoky clouds
sondy: Looking south
sondy: Dirty clouds
sondy: Eruption
sondy: Island
sondy: Footprints in the ash
sondy: Giant daikon!