sondy: Breakfast
sondy: Kabocha soup
sondy: Natto!!!
sondy: Tane village view
sondy: Clear sky!
sondy: Tane map
sondy: Lotus pond
sondy: Kayak rental
sondy: Pond mountain
sondy: Birds
sondy: 双眼鏡, sōgankyō
sondy: Please remove your shoes
sondy: Toward the mountains
sondy: Paddies
sondy: Roof detail, plants
sondy: Bell
sondy: Trees
sondy: To the abandoned house
sondy: Tane workshop world HQ
sondy: Hallway
sondy: Garden vegetables
sondy: Praying mantis
sondy: Window vines
sondy: Well, well, well...
sondy: Window plant
sondy: Temple
sondy: Viewing
sondy: Marker
sondy: Cleaning out the abandoned house
sondy: Inside in the dark