sondy: Tane "eki" obento
sondy: Restrooms for samurai princesses and samurai
sondy: Trainside buddha
sondy: Biwako and rice fields at 6:30 am
sondy: Akameguchi map, with Ōsanshōuo dressed as ninja
sondy: Ōsanshōuo (オオサンショウウオ or 大山椒魚)
sondy: Another large newt
sondy: Albino salamanders
sondy: Akame 48 Waterfalls
sondy: Waterfall with sunlight, Akame 48 Waterfalls
sondy: Columnar basalt?
sondy: Basalt
sondy: Narrow stream
sondy: Akame 48 Waterfalls
sondy: Columnar joints
sondy: Sunlit gorge
sondy: Vines
sondy: Dappled green
sondy: Reflected stream
sondy: Face in the rocks
sondy: The great falls of Akame
sondy: Blurry falls of Akame
sondy: Long exposure falls
sondy: Intense greens of Akame 48 Waterfalls
sondy: Deep pool
sondy: Deep pool at the base of the falls
sondy: Dr. Salamander
sondy: Into the woods
sondy: Bent trees
sondy: Bending into the bamboo