Frank Gruber: Visiting GeoEye - Sterling, Oct 10, 2008
Frank Gruber: Visiting GeoEye - Sterling, Oct 10, 2008
Frank Gruber: GeoEye Office Sign
Frank Gruber: GeoEye Office Sign
Frank Gruber: GeoEye Office Visit
Frank Gruber: GeoEye Countdown Clock
Frank Gruber: GeoEye Images On the Walls
Frank Gruber: GeoEye Images On the Walls
Frank Gruber: @ GeoEye Office Visit
Frank Gruber: GeoEye Office Visit
Frank Gruber: At My GeoEye Office Visit
Frank Gruber: GeoEye-1 Model
Frank Gruber: With the GeoEye-1 Model
Frank Gruber: GeoEye Office Visit
Frank Gruber: GeoEye Office Visit
Frank Gruber: GeoEye Office Visit