someToast: Sasha and Malia
someToast: DIscovering the discovering of the ring
someToast: Unbearable acts of cuteness.
someToast: Attempting to use the notebook on the couch
someToast: Settling in the ring
someToast: Posing...
someToast: Posing...
someToast: Making it hard to get out of bed
someToast: Will this be my photostream for a year? Probably.
someToast: Window cat watches you type
someToast: Curling up with the airport
someToast: Bucket o' cat
someToast: Molly's corner
someToast: Cats, carrier
someToast: Something caught the eye
someToast: Distracted
someToast: A quick hug
someToast: Sears portrait studio
someToast: Yawn
someToast: And settling in
someToast: On the prowl
someToast: Bouts of fighting, bouts of licking
someToast: What?
someToast: Pose
someToast: Sharing the bucket
someToast: Paws
someToast: Napping
someToast: Checking out cat, stage right
someToast: Caught leaving the bathroom
someToast: Afternoon sun