somethingstartedcrazy: Broadway Bares boys
somethingstartedcrazy: wedding day
somethingstartedcrazy: with duncan
somethingstartedcrazy: Delilah rocking the lolita glasses
somethingstartedcrazy: hi, my name is bridget!
somethingstartedcrazy: another of JJ
somethingstartedcrazy: against the wall
somethingstartedcrazy: Gwen stefani in the house!
somethingstartedcrazy: vron's ass, ante, and bridget
somethingstartedcrazy: feeling faint
somethingstartedcrazy: light shines
somethingstartedcrazy: come see the show
somethingstartedcrazy: it's our assistant house manager
somethingstartedcrazy: baby not happy
somethingstartedcrazy: Carlos and strings
somethingstartedcrazy: meg and the picket signs
somethingstartedcrazy: ON STRIKE at drowsy
somethingstartedcrazy: see no evil
somethingstartedcrazy: listening intently