Somethingintheair: Natural Ikebana
Somethingintheair: Last summer dance
Somethingintheair: The Sleeper (lunchtime pic)
Somethingintheair: Cat's eyes
Somethingintheair: Dimanche 14.09.08 is like a night promenade on the canal
Somethingintheair: Portrait un peu perdu au sac orange
Somethingintheair: L'homme au chapeau
Somethingintheair: Envie de rentrée, l'évasion... sauvage
Somethingintheair: Fall(ing leaves)
Somethingintheair: Fall refle(x)ion
Somethingintheair: Dimanche 21.09.08 is like getting committed
Somethingintheair: (dreaming of) non troubled waters
Somethingintheair: Les Choses Singulières (Villeglé @Le Mur)
Somethingintheair: L'attente (the waiting)
Somethingintheair: The dreamy windows
Somethingintheair: Rue Charlot Académie
Somethingintheair: Perspectives
Somethingintheair: La Chevelure
Somethingintheair: Trois couleurs
Somethingintheair: Horizon (new)
Somethingintheair: Morning glory
Somethingintheair: A la ville de Lyon (on the way back home)
Somethingintheair: In the middle of chaos
Somethingintheair: Mur @Menilmontant
Somethingintheair: Faire-part: je viens officiellement d'entrer dans le XXI siecle
Somethingintheair: Selfportrait on the go #4 (blurry in a hurry)
Somethingintheair: With the flow
Somethingintheair: Street colours @Menilmontant