Somerset Patriots: 8-27 Cory Aldridge Blasts One to Deep Left Field
Somerset Patriots: 8-27 Dogs and Their Owners Line Up for Yappy Hour
Somerset Patriots: 8-27 Dogs Enjoy Their Frozen Treats
Somerset Patriots: 8-27 Dogs of All Colors, Shapes, and Sizes Participated In the Parade
Somerset Patriots: 8-27 Hip Hip Jorge!
Somerset Patriots: 8-27 Jonny Tucker Looks To Steal Second Base
Somerset Patriots: 8-27 Linda Wilson Performs the National Anthem
Somerset Patriots: 8-27 Manager Brett Jodie Looks On
Somerset Patriots: 8-27 Slider Tries To Get the Crowd Going
Somerset Patriots: 8-27 Sparkee Gives a Gift To the Sweetheart of the Game
Somerset Patriots: 8-27 Sparkee Leads the Pregame Pooch Parade