Somerset Patriots: 7-5 A Sellout Crowd Looks On as the Patriots Come Up to Bat
Somerset Patriots: 7-5 Bobby Stevens Makes the Diving Catch and Lays Down the Tag
Somerset Patriots: 7-5 Corey Aldridge Smashes One to Deep Right Center Field
Somerset Patriots: 7-5 Erik Arnesen Warms Up On the Mound
Somerset Patriots: 7-5 Five Patriots Picked for the Atlantic League All Star Game
Somerset Patriots: 7-5 Horizon Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Jersey Musical Chairs
Somerset Patriots: 7-5 Jeff Baisley Fouls One Off
Somerset Patriots: 7-5 Long Valley Cub Scout Pack 136 Meets Sparky Lyle
Somerset Patriots: 7-5 Morristown Cub Scout Pack 513 Takes the Field Before the Game
Somerset Patriots: 7-5 Slider and Some Fans Take in the Action
Somerset Patriots: 7-5 Tess Giardina Sings the National Anthem
Somerset Patriots: 7-5 Where In the TD Bank Ballpark is Sparkee