Somerset Patriots:
6-8 A Perfect Day for Baseball
Somerset Patriots:
6-8 A Sell Out Crowd Watches the Patriots Rally
Somerset Patriots:
6-8 Fireworks Night at TD Bank Ballpark Presented by Celgene
Somerset Patriots:
6-8 Hat Giveaway Courtesy of Allstate
Somerset Patriots:
6-8 James Skelton Looks to Steal Second
Somerset Patriots:
6-8 Jonny Tucker Hits One To Deep Left Field
Somerset Patriots:
6-8 Metuchen Little League Parade
Somerset Patriots:
6-8 Paul Phillips Makes His Twelfth Start
Somerset Patriots:
6-8 Roger Clemens Meets Sparky Lyle
Somerset Patriots:
6-8 Somerset Patriots Fan Club Shows Their Support
Somerset Patriots:
6-8 Sparkee and Slider Watch the Game with Some Fans
Somerset Patriots:
6-8 TD Bank Ballpark Welcomes Allstate
Somerset Patriots:
6-8 The Little Gym of Bridgewater Performs During Pregame
Somerset Patriots:
6-8 The Martin Luther King Junior School Sings the National Anthem