Somerset Patriots:
Thomas the Tank Engine Night
Somerset Patriots:
6-26 Alex Evenson Throwing Out a First Pitch
Somerset Patriots:
6-26 Beach Ball Giveaway
Somerset Patriots:
6-26 Beach Balls
Somerset Patriots:
6-26 Getting Autographs From Sparky Lyle
Somerset Patriots:
6-26 Homerun Hitting Contest
Somerset Patriots:
6-26 Magic 98.3 Outside the Ballpark
Somerset Patriots:
6-26 Meet and Greet with Sparky Lyle
Somerset Patriots:
6-26 Mike MacDonald Delivering a Pitch
Somerset Patriots:
6-26 Musical Chairs
Somerset Patriots:
6-26 Sir Topham Hatt
Somerset Patriots:
6-26 Story Time with Sir Topham Hatt
Somerset Patriots:
6-26 Zumba Down on the Field