somecanuckchick: Over the bridge to New Brunswick... #roadtrip #autoroute #signporn #shutterbugging
somecanuckchick: New Brunswick, I am in you! #latergram #roadtrip #shutterbugging #scenicroute #signporn
somecanuckchick: 50 km to Bathurst, NB... #roadtrip #shutterbugging #summer
somecanuckchick: Over the bridge... #roadtrip #summer #shutterbugging
somecanuckchick: Il pleut... Just before Miramichi, NB. #latergram #roadtrip #summer #shutterbugging #scenicroute
somecanuckchick: Confederation Bridge to Prince Edward Island #roadtrip #summer #shutterbugging
somecanuckchick: PEI, I am in you! #shutterbugging #roadtrip #summer
somecanuckchick: Barrelling down the highway... #roadtrip #shutterbugging #summer #PEI
somecanuckchick: The view from here... #pei #shutterbugging #roadtrip #explorecanada
somecanuckchick: Founders Hall, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island #pei #roadtrip #shutterbugging #charlottetown #confederation #explorecanada
somecanuckchick: The view from here... #pei #roadtrip #shutterbugging #explorecanada
somecanuckchick: Gulf of Saint Lawrence, Prince Edward Island National Park, PEI, Canada #explorecanada #pei #roadtrip #shutterbugging
somecanuckchick: @hfiguiere, walking along the shore... #pei #roadtrip #shutterbugging
somecanuckchick: Anne with an "e"! Green Gables Shore Drive... #pei #shutterbugging #roadtrip
somecanuckchick: Some tourists on bikes DO NOT give a shite about parking spots for automobiles... This could end very well, eh? #douchebaggery
somecanuckchick: Charlottetown, the Birthplace of Confederation! #charlottetown #confederation #explorecanada #shutterbugging #roadtrip #summer
somecanuckchick: Tryon River, Prince Edward Island #pei #explorecanada #roadtrip #shutterbugging
somecanuckchick: South Shore United Church, Tryon, PEI #explorecanada #pei #shutterbugging #roadtrip
somecanuckchick: Old Ferry Dock, Cape Tormentine, New Brunswick #explorecanada #roadtrip #shutterbugging #latergram
somecanuckchick: Confederation Bridge, seen from Cape Tormentine, New Brunswick #roadtrip #shutterbugging #explorecanada #scenicroute #latergram
somecanuckchick: Shellfish Area Closed #signporn #scenicroute #summer #explorecanada #roadtrip #latergram
somecanuckchick: New Brunswick-Nova Scotia border #roadtrip #explorecanada #transcanadahighway #shutterbugging
somecanuckchick: Lions International, Oxford, Nova Scotia #signporn #roadtrip #shutterbugging #summer #explorecanada
somecanuckchick: The view from here... #summer #seaside #shutterbugging #scenicroute #halifax #roadtrip
somecanuckchick: The view from here... #latergram #novascotia #roadtrip #shutterbugging
somecanuckchick: Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia #explorecanada #shutterbugging #seaside #roadtrip
somecanuckchick: Peggys Cove Lighthouse #explorecanada #roadtrip #shutterbugging #maritimes
somecanuckchick: The view from here... #explorecanada #atlanticocean #atlantic #maritimes #roadtrip #shutterbugging #summer
somecanuckchick: The frog and the dog at Peggys Cove Lighthouse... #shutterbugging #scenicroute #seaside #summer #atlanticocean #maritimes #roadtrip
somecanuckchick: Peggys Cove Lighthouse, Nova Scotia, Canada #explorecanada #roadtrip #summer #ocanada #shutterbugging