somecanuckchick: @hfiguiere is on a train...
somecanuckchick: Enroute to Québec City...
somecanuckchick: The view from here...
somecanuckchick: The view from here...
somecanuckchick: Zooooom! #viarail
somecanuckchick: Escargots! #food #vieuxquebec
somecanuckchick: Limoncello. #vieuxquebec
somecanuckchick: Le Parmesan!
somecanuckchick: Ice Palace! #vieuxquebec #villedequebec #bonhomme
somecanuckchick: #assnat! #vieuxquebec #villedequebec
somecanuckchick: Bonhomme! #bonhomme #villedequebec #vieuxquebec #carnaval
somecanuckchick: Vive Le Québec! #villedequebec
somecanuckchick: The view from here...
somecanuckchick: The view from here...
somecanuckchick: The view from here...
somecanuckchick: The view from here... Taken w/ iPhone 4S et ōlloclip [Fisheye]; B&W. #vieuxquebec #vieuxmontreal #fevrier #february
somecanuckchick: Our room overlooks Governor's Park and the St. Lawrence River... #vieuxquebec #villedequebec #chateaubellevue
somecanuckchick: That's the Chateau Frontenac on the left and Governor's Park in the middle and the St. Lawrence River in the back... #vieuxquebec #villedequebec
somecanuckchick: Guest Room artwork container fire hydrant porn! #justsaying
somecanuckchick: Zzzzzzz
somecanuckchick: Hotel Chateau Bellevue #vieuxquebec #villedequebec #bonhomme #carnaval #fevrier #february
somecanuckchick: Chateau Frontenac #vieuxquebec #villedequebec #fevrier
somecanuckchick: @hfiguiere devant l'Hotel Chateau Bellevue... #firehydrantporn #vieuxquebec #villedequebec #fevrier
somecanuckchick: Sign Porn! #shutterbugging #vieuxquebec #villedequebec #fevrier
somecanuckchick: Espresso. Stat! #cafe #coffee
somecanuckchick: Petit Dejeuner at L'Omelette... #food #vieuxquebec #villedequebec
somecanuckchick: The view from here... #shutterbugging #vieuxquebec #villedequebec #fevrier
somecanuckchick: Carnaval de Québec Effigie #bonhomme #carnaval #fevrier #quebec #vieuxquebec #villedequebec
somecanuckchick: Carnaval de Québec Épinglette #bonhomme #carnaval #quebec #vieuxquebec #villedequebec #fevrier
somecanuckchick: Standing on the Plains of Abraham, looking across the St. Lawrence River at Lévis... #vieuxquebec #villedequebec #carnaval #bonhomme #fevrier