somecanuckchick: The view from here... #vieuxquebec #newyearsday #january1st #2014
somecanuckchick: Eggs and croissants and two shots of espresso! #food
somecanuckchick: @hfiguiere being @hfiguiere.
somecanuckchick: Working on my 5th shot of espresso... #zoom
somecanuckchick: More coffee? Yes, please!
somecanuckchick: Napkin love! #shutterbugging
somecanuckchick: BATEAU! #vieuxquebec #shutterbugging
somecanuckchick: Hôtel de Ville, Vieux Québec #shutterbugging #quebec #vieuxquebec #january1st #newyearsday #2014
somecanuckchick: Place de l'Hôtel de Ville #vieuxquebec #shutterbugging
somecanuckchick: 49, rue Sainte Famille #vieuxquebec #shutterbugging #signporn #newyearsday #january1st #2014
somecanuckchick: Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Québec, Place de l'Hôtel de Ville #vieuxquebec #shutterbugging
somecanuckchick: Playing Illuminati w/ Pion, Susana et Hub... #bgg #boardgamegeeks
somecanuckchick: I think I'm losing... #bgg #boardgamegeeks
somecanuckchick: Chandelier #SSS #vieuxquebec #newyearsday #january1st #2014
somecanuckchick: Double espresso! #coffee #cafe
somecanuckchick: Getting ready to check out...
somecanuckchick: The frog is in the bed... AGAIN. :D
somecanuckchick: The view from here... #ceilingporn
somecanuckchick: Bedhogger!
somecanuckchick: The view from here... #shutterbugging #hotel71
somecanuckchick: Gare du Palais #ceilingporn #quebec #shutterbugging
somecanuckchick: Québec (City) to Montréal #viarail
somecanuckchick: They may be crazy...
somecanuckchick: Desolation...
somecanuckchick: 161 to Plamondon...
somecanuckchick: Stella Bella Blue, retrieved from boarding school...
somecanuckchick: Van Horne, heading east past Côte-des-Neiges... #mtl #montreal #janvier #january
somecanuckchick: Stella Bella Blue écoute bien! #iheartmydog #dogsnamedstella #dogstagram #petstagram #instadog #instapet #bostonterriers
somecanuckchick: Bowl of vanilla latte goodness!
somecanuckchick: Vin #wine #wino