SomeBunnysLove: MDSW09 - Hippy, Gilligan, and Teddy with a little friend and taking notes
SomeBunnysLove: MDSW09 - Rav meetup on Saturday
SomeBunnysLove: MDSW09 - Beaded Bunny that Jess made me
SomeBunnysLove: MDSW09-01- Tammy holding my Saturday breakfast
SomeBunnysLove: MDSW09-02- Amazing shawls at Mistralee Farm Studio
SomeBunnysLove: MDSW09-03- Flock Bransonas - LUVLUVLUV
SomeBunnysLove: MDSW09-04- Sheep slippers
SomeBunnysLove: MDSW09-05- Book that I want
SomeBunnysLove: MDSW09-06- bunny
SomeBunnysLove: MDSW09-07- Very cool fibery couple from OK
SomeBunnysLove: MDSW09-08- Very photogenic sheep
SomeBunnysLove: MDSW09-09- Mama Rav photographing the crowd
SomeBunnysLove: MDSW09-10- Rest of the crowd
SomeBunnysLove: MDSW09-11- Annimol -- Think BSG in her Ravatar!!
SomeBunnysLove: MDSW09-12- RosieG and me
SomeBunnysLove: MDSW09-13- MaiTai and her Swallowtail shawl
SomeBunnysLove: MDSW09-14- Ysolda and me
SomeBunnysLove: MDSW09-15- My MJs meeting Ysolda's MJs
SomeBunnysLove: MDSW09-16- The lines for lunch
SomeBunnysLove: MDSW09-17- Vulcan's Rest - alpaca and buttons
SomeBunnysLove: MDSW09-18- Knitting and a Movie kits for sale
SomeBunnysLove: MDSW09-19- Hoping that these were cashmere or mohair goats
SomeBunnysLove: MDSW09-21- After party quick shot from elevator
SomeBunnysLove: MDSW09-20- Stitch Diva stocking kits
SomeBunnysLove: MDSW09-22- Knitting and spinning during a cocktail party -- LUV
SomeBunnysLove: MDSW09-23- Panning the crowd
SomeBunnysLove: MDSW09-24- GuidoS emceeing
SomeBunnysLove: MDSW09-25- BunnyJess giving away prizes
SomeBunnysLove: MDSW09-26- Me with Lovely Painty from The Unique Sheep
SomeBunnysLove: MDSW09-27- AJ spinning, Erin in her Buddy case, Tammy about to call, and Martha knitting her mittens