somebodyfstopme: IMGP4681
somebodyfstopme: IMGP4656
somebodyfstopme: IMGP4647
somebodyfstopme: IMGP4643
somebodyfstopme: End of the season for a new Canadian maple.
somebodyfstopme: Now that's Canadian, eh?
somebodyfstopme: IMGP4546
somebodyfstopme: The last fruit of the tree
somebodyfstopme: IMGP4522
somebodyfstopme: Yes Toto... we're still in Ottawa!
somebodyfstopme: You're hiding the food right?
somebodyfstopme: At the dinner table, but no food!
somebodyfstopme: IMGP4435
somebodyfstopme: A nice reflection!