somebachs: Ferruginous Pygmy Owl
somebachs: Nashville Warbler
somebachs: Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher With a Catch
somebachs: Broad-winged Hawk
somebachs: Screech Owl Looking Annoyed
somebachs: Screech Owl Stretching a Bit
somebachs: Eastern Screech Owl
somebachs: Monk Parakeet
somebachs: Hooded Crow at Archaeological Museim
somebachs: Laughing Dove
somebachs: Yelkouan Shearwaters
somebachs: Lots of Birds
somebachs: White Stork
somebachs: Greater Flamingo
somebachs: Greater Flamingo
somebachs: Little Egret with Chicks
somebachs: Flamingo in Flight
somebachs: Black Redstart With Some Caterpillars
somebachs: Honey Buzzard
somebachs: Black-chinned Hummingbird
somebachs: Barn Swallow
somebachs: Barn Swallow
somebachs: Cedar Waxwings
somebachs: Screech Owl
somebachs: Indigo Bunting
somebachs: Black-throated Green Warbler
somebachs: Roseate Spoonbill Looking For Nesting Materials
somebachs: Yellow-billed Cuckoo
somebachs: Summer Tanager
somebachs: Roseate Spoonbill Nesting