solzaire: Quincy Market - walking there since 2001
solzaire: Quincy market
solzaire: Boston North end
solzaire: Plane lands at BOS
solzaire: Boston Common
solzaire: Boston Common and Downtown form 22nd floor balcony
solzaire: The road goes ever on and on
solzaire: Williamsburg bridge
solzaire: Walking to Brooklyn
solzaire: French Moroccan cafe
solzaire: Venezuealan Food
solzaire: Union Square
solzaire: Joe's Shanghai
solzaire: Home of Soup dumplings
solzaire: Best American Chinese at Joe's Shanghai
solzaire: Too much to eat
solzaire: Carnival atmosphere
solzaire: iPad iWant
solzaire: My new moustache
solzaire: Pastis
solzaire: Lazy afternoon
solzaire: Strawberry Fields
solzaire: The new look
solzaire: Seafood at Kenka
solzaire: Holy Mackarel