solobasssteve: Participants arriving in the hotel lobby
solobasssteve: Participants arriving in the hotel lobby
solobasssteve: Participants arriving in the hotel lobby
solobasssteve: Jarek - one of the trainers on Green Urban Living and super-nice bloke!
solobasssteve: Jo - Manchester whirlwind of ideas and activity!
solobasssteve: Laura - 'mazin photo/video/awesomeness laydee
solobasssteve: Xander - internet squirrel of some considerable skill :)
solobasssteve: Jarek outlining the program for the Green Urban Living week
solobasssteve: Jarek outlining the program for the Green Urban Living week
solobasssteve: Jarek outlining the program for the Green Urban Living week
solobasssteve: Jarek outlining the program for the Green Urban Living week
solobasssteve: Jarek outlining the program for the Green Urban Living week
solobasssteve: discussion the main themes for the week at Green Urban Living
solobasssteve: discussing the main themes for the week at Green Urban Living
solobasssteve: discussing the main themes for the week at Green Urban Living
solobasssteve: discussion the main themes for the week at Green Urban Living
solobasssteve: discussing the main themes for the week at Green Urban Living
solobasssteve: Collecting together areas for consideration on the theme of Green Urban Living, page 1
solobasssteve: Collecting together areas for consideration on the theme of Green Urban Living, page 1
solobasssteve: questions for discussion at the end of the skills and knowledge discovery workshop
solobasssteve: Group presentations on Day 2
solobasssteve: Jarek, Jo and Ilze - the facilitators!
solobasssteve: Group presentations on Day 2
solobasssteve: Group presentations on Day 2
solobasssteve: Let me stand next to your fire...
solobasssteve: Group presentations on Day 2
solobasssteve: Let me stand next to your fire...
solobasssteve: Taco gets his shot...
solobasssteve: Around the fire, hearing the amazing story of the Secret Garden in Fallowfield
solobasssteve: IMG_0112