solobasssteve: slide 1 - the birth of rock and roll as we know it was only 60 years ago.
solobasssteve: slide number 2 - people get into music cos they have something to say.
solobasssteve: slide number 3 - when things are mass produced to be similar, it's not because they are the best, it's because it's easy to make and market - see major record labels for info.
solobasssteve: slide 4 - people often have a reason for playing bad music for money.
solobasssteve: slide 5 - story and context are interesting - this is an exploded piano, with each string on a different soundboard.
solobasssteve: slide 6 - the smaller you are, the easier it is to play in interesting places.
solobasssteve: slide 7 - likewise, stay portable.
solobasssteve: this cake was awesome. It didn't need 900,000 thousand other awesome cakes for me to appreciate it. The cake is a member of your audience.
solobasssteve: slide number 8 - always clean your owl. there aren't many places you can get an owl cleaned...
solobasssteve: slide 10 - sold out gig at the barbican - the best thing about it for the guitarist (so he said on twitter) was meeting me afterwards. (That he said it on twitter, is the key thing)
solobasssteve: slide 11 - cities are sometimes shit places to make art (you can't see the cakes in this picture)
solobasssteve: slide 12 - ducks don't want to be famous
solobasssteve: slide 13 - personal stories are more powerful than anything.
solobasssteve: slide 14 - 99% of all music is non-commercial.
solobasssteve: slide 16 - sometimes all the circles align and remarkable things happen. These cannot be planned, only prepared for.
solobasssteve: slide 16 - some music looks better than it sounds.
solobasssteve: slide 17 - in 1988 John Peel saved my life by playing me The Pixies and Throwing Muses. Thanks to the internets, Kristin is now a friend, not just my hero :)
solobasssteve: slide 18 - the sign-language sign for girrafes is the same as the one for ROCK.
solobasssteve: slide 19 - the world is changing fast, keep up or disappear.
solobasssteve: slide 20 - massive displays of power and influence are HUGELY destructive. The major labels have been a 50 year tornado of badness.