Sol Lang: IMG_2415cccrLR
Sol Lang: Montreal Culture 8
Sol Lang: IMG_2311cccrbwLR
Sol Lang: Montreal Culture 4
Sol Lang: Good to the last
Sol Lang: Dear Dad
Sol Lang: IMG_2253cccrLRT
Sol Lang: Image 19. Mementos
Sol Lang: Tams Dancer 3
Sol Lang: PointerLR
Sol Lang: Conflicted Brief Encounter
Sol Lang: Montreal Culture 2
Sol Lang: Montreal Flickr Meet. Jan. 21, 2006 — My Vision
Sol Lang: Richard transcending
Sol Lang: The Pidgeon Feeders
Sol Lang: Old Friends
Sol Lang: Sleeping Man
Sol Lang: Street kissing
Sol Lang: Foot travel
Sol Lang: Hassidic Gathering 10
Sol Lang: IMG_6729ccLR
Sol Lang: Plateau Strollers
Sol Lang: Contemplation
Sol Lang: Image 25. FujifilmLR
Sol Lang: Montreal Culture 9
Sol Lang: demolished rubble with bicycle
Sol Lang: Looking sideways
Sol Lang: Hassidic Gathering 16
Sol Lang: Front step chill
Sol Lang: Montreal Flickr Meet. Jan. 21, 2006 — My Vision