Solidream: Dangerous tunnels on the roads of China
Solidream: Morgan rides the highway through the crops
Solidream: Tea crops on the mountains of Yunnan
Solidream: Hosted for one night
Solidream: Morning soup
Solidream: Woman farmer in Yunnan
Solidream: Brian contemplates the view from the mountain top
Solidream: Colorful fields of Yunnan, China
Solidream: Camping in a river bed
Solidream: Brian in early morning, back on the road
Solidream: Chinese cookers, yummy !
Solidream: Camping along fields in Yunnan
Solidream: Tortuous road through the mountains of Yunnan
Solidream: Chinese workers put a big smile
Solidream: Brian asks for some water
Solidream: Chinese worker on the side of the road
Solidream: Siphay having rest in the gruelling uphills
Solidream: Grandma doing laundry
Solidream: Camping in a field near the motorway
Solidream: Everyday life in Kunming city
Solidream: On the train to Chengdu
Solidream: Administration : Chinese nightmare !