Solidream: Cycling between cactuses and snow covered mountains n our first day in USA
Solidream: Vegetation of Arizona
Solidream: Eccentricity of Americans in Arizona
Solidream: Siphay riding in huge cactuses in Arizona
Solidream: Morgan changing one wheel in Arizona
Solidream: Morgan shooting the sunset
Solidream: Coyotes look after us in the desert of Arizona
Solidream: Great landscapes of USA, Arzona
Solidream: Family shot in Las Vegas with Roman, Brian and Ingrid
Solidream: Gambling atmoshpere of Las Vegas
Solidream: Interview for FOX 5 Las vegas
Solidream: unique atmosphere of Las Vegas. We had a great party there.
Solidream: Lights of trafic in Las Vegas
Solidream: Las vegas by night
Solidream: Landscapes of deserts in USA. On top, sand dunes in Death Valley. At the bottom, railway in Mojave desert
Solidream: Siphay riding in a forestof Joshua trees in Mojave desert
Solidream: Ingrid and Roman join us to see their brother Brian
Solidream: Etienne runs on our hike in Lake Isabella
Solidream: Trio on the road to Ridgecrest, California
Solidream: Mail in the USA
Solidream: Etienne on the road out of Lake Isabella
Solidream: Etienne in Trona, beforegoing to Death Valley
Solidream: Approcahing Death Valley with our bikes
Solidream: Siphay at sunset on our way to Death Valley
Solidream: Setting up our 2 tents in the desert
Solidream: The four of us in Death Valley : Morgan, Etienne, Siphay and Brian
Solidream: Brian tired gets rest in Death Valley
Solidream: We finally found a spring when we were out of water
Solidream: Vegetation of Death Valley
Solidream: Grueling dirt track on our way out of Death Valley to big Pine