solidgoldpants: Toppling the family tree
solidgoldpants: IXAT? IXAT?? What kind of fool do you think I am!? I am a very important businessman.
solidgoldpants: TEPMИHATOP indulges in a light snack, but at whose expense?
solidgoldpants: Standing before the tenth and final obelisk, our hero prepares to make the ultimate sacrifice
solidgoldpants: We must remain, unyielding, until the obelisks recede and balance is restored
solidgoldpants: (e/∞) pg I: Put your things away and prepare for the coming flood
solidgoldpants: (e/∞) pg II: Extinguish your cigarettes and your worries, now is not the time for such things
solidgoldpants: Performing a small test on the newly-fallen Nibiru fragment
solidgoldpants: What I Wore Today (11 20 09)
solidgoldpants: Wandering the countryside, ignoring every threnodic instinct, thinking only of their next meals
solidgoldpants: A craniopagal family portrait (Where one or possibly both participants are unpleasant and unwilling)
solidgoldpants: A brief respite from the journey, though some may not entirely agree
solidgoldpants: These chaperones have no authority here, but still they persist
solidgoldpants: Beware, my friends, the balancing acts of this world will only hinder your passage into the next
solidgoldpants: Two councillors, making a pilgrimage to the funerary pyre
solidgoldpants: Spring forth!, spawn of syzygy
solidgoldpants: Atop his dais, the homunculus seer prepares to recieve a gift
solidgoldpants: Perched atop the blighted dome
solidgoldpants: Being of the proceedings of the ionic texts
solidgoldpants: Our intrepid hero suffers a meltdown, and so close to the promised land
solidgoldpants: Nestled in the ӕtherial digits, a birth
solidgoldpants: The countdown to ouroborus begins even before colour joins the party
solidgoldpants: You must put away these childish things, and rejoin our committee at the amphitheater
solidgoldpants: The impatient kingmaker awaits his promised turn in the churning booth
solidgoldpants: The experiments yield inconclusive results, this monadic beast has no meaning in it
solidgoldpants: Two curious monads have braved the mighty waters and now confront the final storyteller
solidgoldpants: Monitoring menisci at the heliotrope distillery
solidgoldpants: Horribles parade
solidgoldpants: Harvest day on the ziggurat steppe
solidgoldpants: Take thy seat atop the watchtower, lest neither buttress nor minaret ye become