Soleil d'Egypte: Natacha Atlas
Soleil d'Egypte: Annabel and Kate
Soleil d'Egypte: Justine with Jim Boz and Frederique David
Soleil d'Egypte: Annabel with Fahtiem
Soleil d'Egypte: Jim Boz, Horacio Cifuentes and Khaled Mahmoud
Soleil d'Egypte: Kate and Annabel with Jim Boz
Soleil d'Egypte: Kate plays tabla on the sea shore
Soleil d'Egypte: Justine and chips on the beach
Soleil d'Egypte: Dancer's food
Soleil d'Egypte: Justine and Annabel with Khaled Mahmoud
Soleil d'Egypte: Bognor
Soleil d'Egypte: Ready for dance class
Soleil d'Egypte: Annabel and Justine
Soleil d'Egypte: Justine and Kate in class